Sunday, April 12, 2015

My Thoughts on Facebook and Other Social Networking Sites

Well, social networking sites have truly changed the way we live our lives.

I can still remember the days where there were no smartphones around, Facebook or Twitter, and the only practical form of communication on the internet was messenger applications and emails. Today, most people within cities are carrying their smartphones to constantly stay connected online with social networking services, even primary school kids. The current world is has advanced and developed dramatically compared to just ten years ago.

People nowadays, especially teenagers and younger generations, are so deeply used to getting on the internet and being connected on these social networking services that they almost cannot live without them. They almost take them for granted. Even for myself, without Facebook, I cannot imagine trying to connect with a friend living overseas or whom I have not seen for a long time. While these new technologies gave us pleasures in communicating with others and made them so much more convenient, I think there are downsides.

I constantly need to hold my phone to get updates, constantly need to check if I have a notification from someone. I almost feel like I sold my life on social networking. Although it is very important to stay connected regardless of time and distance, I feel like I am imprisoned in the world of internet. Without them, I feel worried and cannot let go of my smartphone. I think this is a serious problem for today's citizens. What services like Facebook and Twitter has caused us is that people feel almost lonely when they are separated from using these services for hours. Compared to the past when people had much more leisurely times, people in today's society are so stressed with human relationships that they never really have time on their own.

Down below is an interesting video about social networks, "How social networks have changed the world".

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